Category: The Road

Tougaloo Nine

Tougaloo Nine Thanks American Libraries Magazine

The Tougaloo Nine were a group of African-American students at Tougaloo College who participated in civil disobedience by staging sit-ins of segregated public institutions in Mississippi in 1961.[1]Mississippi was considered by civil rights organizer Medgar Evers to be “too racist and violent” for lunch counter sit-ins so the public library was chosen because it was supported by both Black and White […]

WHO’s Mental Health Action Plan

WHO’s Mental Health Action Plan

On May 27, 2013, the World Health Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020 that has great potential to change the direction of mental health in countries around the world in the next 8 years. This action plan and the accompanying resolution—a first in the history of WHO—represent a formal recognition of the […]