Month: May 2017

WHO’s Mental Health Action Plan

WHO’s Mental Health Action Plan

On May 27, 2013, the World Health Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020 that has great potential to change the direction of mental health in countries around the world in the next 8 years. This action plan and the accompanying resolution—a first in the history of WHO—represent a formal recognition of the […]

Beauty Explored: Beautiful Woman

Beauty Explored: Beautiful Woman

Beauty is the distance traveled in the high seas of the ‘waters unknown’, excepting how the mirror characterizes, and then checking your compass while declaring: “I’m still willing!” -Bryan J Renslow This woman radiates beauty of the highest order. Her face says so much and her story would be a great read. What do you […]

About Me

About Me Me at the State Fair

I’m not flashy; I’m usually in jeans and tennis shoes. I’m a people person, and love the wondrous variety! I’m not perfect but there is something about me. Come help me give a wonderful and lasting gift! Mom, look what I’ve built!

Missing Mom

Missing Mom

The reality! Mom had passed! Back in Colorado after the funeral, I found it difficult to recall my mother’s voice. Unfortunately the only audio recording I have of her is not enough! What made her my Mom shouldn’t be left to faulty memories that diminish with every passing day. This site is dedicated to capturing […]

Why LFH?

Why LFH? LFH Logo Hand Gold 2

The pain that death causes has plagued mankind throughout history. For instance: when someone you love dies, the effects are instant and debilitating. If someone should ask “What was he/she like?” only those who knew could answer, and once they die so does the memory! Today that doesn’t have to be. So I’m pleased to offer […]