Category: Family Tree

The Benefits Of Private Social Media

The Benefits Of Private Social Media

The Benefits Of Private Social Media Welcome back to the LFH blog! We are shifting gears in today’s post, as the title no doubt already informed you. In recent posts of the past, we’ve taken the opportunity to highlight ways that family members can connect with their children and adolescents via the medium of social […]

How To Get Everyone Involved In A Family Tree Project

How To Get Everyone Involved In A Family Tree Project

Are you ready to create your family tree? It’s a project the whole family can get behind. Here are some ideas to get everyone involved and get you started on this worthwhile project that’ll capture at least the basics of your family history. Start With What You Know Over the years you’ve heard stories. You’ve […]

Capture Your Memories Before They Fade Away

Capture Your Memories Before They Fade Away

When you experience an incredible moment, you think you’ll remember it forever. Some people do have an uncanny ability to recall an event in exceptional detail, remembering everything from the way sunlight played with oak leaves to form mystical shadows, to the way the air smelled like a comforting mix of baking bread and hot […]

Recording Your Family History: Where Do You Start?

Recording Your Family History: Where Do You Start?

Every life has a story, and recording your family history is about capturing and preserving these unique stories. But where do you begin? Here are tips to help you get started with recording your family legacy. Gather Up Photos And Documents There’s a good chance that, somewhere in random boxes scattered throughout your basement, attic, […]