Month: September 2017

The Crooked Fingered Man

The Crooked Fingered Man LFH (Crooked finger hand) positive-hand

Have you seen this hand print? It can be found in the Chauvet-Pont-d’Arch Cave in southern France. The cave contains some of the best preserved figurative cave paintings in the world. This particular hand print speaks to me, how so? Because of it’s crooked pinkie finger. Scientists have concluded that this person was a male approximately 6′ tall. […]

Are the Stars You See in the Sky Already Dead?

Are the Stars You See in the Sky Already Dead?

This thought was kicked around when I was young: “The light we see from the stars may actually be from one that is extinguished.” Was this true? If so how is this possible? The thought is based on the fact that the velocity of light is not infinite, but just under 300,000 km/second (or 186,262 […]