The Remoras of Death. Part #3

Previously in ‘The Remoras of Death Parts #1, 2’  the remoras were defined as forms of psychological and physical maladies that attach themselves to death. In this article let’s characterize what a physical remora can be.

When the psychological remoras progress unchecked they can manifest as physical maladies. Picture a drop of black ink as it permeates a clear glass of water. Initially the ink branches from the drop but if left unrestrained it eventually colors all the water.

During this process the physical remoras can become noticeable as: random pains and aches, general tiredness and extreme fatigue, increased blood pressure, risk of heart attack and blood clots, gastric distress, such as an ulcer, inflammation of the esophagitis, or colitis, insomnia, anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, ect…again the list is virtually endless.

Just to clarify, these remoras produce effects prior to and after death. Effecting not only the one with the terminal illness but also those (family, friends, and caregivers) who continue to live afterwards.

As I’ve stated earlier the impact that death produces is what I want to disrupt and decrease. Death is bigger than it should be! Death of itself can only take life. But much like an unyielding storm, the approaching destruction causes reactions that I believe we can address.

If someone was to ask you what is the level of severity you feel in regards these remoras could you answer 1-10? I believe so! If these Remoras (effects/reactions) can be measured then they can be reduced! But how?

Imagine if you could visit your dead loved ones anytime you choose? What if video(s), audio(s), photo(s) or document(s) were produced? Ones that detail feelings towards family members, perhaps instructions on future events. It could be as tailored or as detailed as you choose. The point being that this family archive becomes a buttress to be used in life’s most challenging situations.

As you visit your loved one, your consoled while being encouraged/inspired/refreshed to carry on. Perfect!

That’s where Living Family History (LFH) comes in. LFH is a private, ‘members only’ media treasury with a social media component. It allows you to document the essence of your family, past and present. To collaborate with those whom you choose, to build and archive your world. Not only store your family treasures but give you the tools to collect and categorize all your memories.

Finally a site designed specifically to decrease the effects of death! How? By lessening the pain of loss through a determined and purposeful media treasury. See:


*This website build will take a team and I consider you the most important part of this effort! Please send any ideas you have on how to make this site a more thoroughly capable and enjoyable experience to:

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