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Why LFH?

The pain that death causes has plagued mankind throughout history. For instance: when someone you love dies, the effects are instant and debilitating. If someone should ask “What was he/she like?” only those who knew could answer, and once they die so does the memory!
Today that doesn’t have to be. So I’m pleased to offer Living Family History LLC (LFH) as a proactive way to save those valued memories and to reduce the pain that death causes. How?
By preserving their history! This is achieved through the storage of photos, documents, audio recordings, and videos. Create a data treasury of each loved one to be saved forever! Invite any member of your family, or anyone for that matter, to help you save those memories. This data treasury of family history can be passed from generation to generation to continue archiving your history as it happens. Say hello to future family in video form or revisit special occasions as you choose. It’s yours to build!

One Comment

  • So far the site looks great! I like the Home page with the old pictures and “LFH is:…”. Very impressive.


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