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Preserve Your Family’s Value, LFH is ‘Free for 30-days’.

Living Family History (LFH) is open for business! Start saving your Families ‘Value’ by taking advantage of our free 30-day trial.

Part social media platform and part media repository, LFH gives families the tools to be able to capture and chronicle their unique stories, past and present. Save this ‘Value’ and pass it on from generation to generation.

In LFH’s ‘Private’ Gated Worldwide Community, you will not have to deal with data mining, pesky click bait, or annoying ads. Communicate among ‘members’ while keeping your content completely private. If you choose, you have the option to share among ‘Friends’. You are the ‘Patriarch’ or ‘Matriarch’ of your digital home.

LFH’s ‘Private’ Gated Worldwide Community operates on a small monthly, yearly, or lifetime subscription. Test us out ‘Free’ today!

If you want to save your Families ‘Value’ and control your own privacy, choose LFH!


  • This site is something else. It’s made me ask the questions of my older siblings that I took for granted. I’m getting the opportunity to know my family. Learn about my parents, remember childhood memories, and get to know myself. I can send pictures, letters, and just express myself, without thousands of others seeing what I’m up to.


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